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Abena Mwaafrika

Greetings All,

I am Abena Mwaafrika born to Musa & Donna Mwaafrika, who gifted my first and middle names meaning “Tuesday’s Gift” as I was born on a Tuesday that was also-my Father’s birthday.

I have always been fascinated and admiring of maternal matters. I began to more seriously explore and educate myself regarding conception, birth & postpartum during my own pregnancy.  I chose to have a midwife & doula to support me. Through experience & emotions I decided to dedicate my energy, and experience to many other beautiful birthing bodies. Which also lead me to great passion for the complexities of lactation. I received such an outpouring of love & impactful support from lactation specialists & breastfeeding peer counselors, while breastfeeding.

​I am a grateful Mother, CLS, doula and scholarship recipient.  I appreciate this opportunity to share with you.

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