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The monthly meetings are a great time to learn about what is happening in breastfeeding around the state. These meetings are open to the public and we encourage participation from anyone interested in improving breastfeeding in Indiana.

Monthly Meetings

Meetings often feature a presenter and discussions that involve all members.  These meetings include a round table discussion and have a call-in feature.

Agendas and Minutes

Agenda are sent to our list prior to each meeting. We also send minutes the week following the meetings to that list.  Check below for the latest agenda and meeting notes.

Presenting and Participation

If you would like to present to the group, want more information about a meeting, or have other general questions, please contact us at


Join Zoom Meeting


All Monthly Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday until Dec 7, 2023. Each meeting will be held virtually via zoom  at 6:00pm (East)

Meeting Logistics

Agendas and Meeting notes

Monthly Meetings