Call Us: 866.338.0825
Get involved through these organizations:
-Call, email or tweet your State Senator or Representative about HB1152 the Nursing Mother Jury Duty exemption bill
-Please check with your OB or Pediatrician about medications.
-The IBCLC at the hospital, birth center where you delivered, or WIC clinic can also help you.
-You can also look a medication up yourself on Lactmed, a free service offered by the US National Library of Medicine or Infant Risk Center or
-Breastfeeding USA has a good summary of this issue on their website. See it here
For help with breastfeeding, call your hospital, doctor, WIC office or see if a mother support group is in your area.
IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants) can be found by:
-googling IBCLC or Lactation Consultant near me
-USLCA (United States Lactation Consultant Association) directory
-ILCA (Internation Lactation Consultant Association) directory
La Leche League
Click here to find a La Leche League support group
Click here to find a Breastfeeding USA Counselor in your area
Many hospitals and community organizations offer free drop-in centers where you can have your baby weighed and get support from lactation consultants and other moms.
Click here for a list of Drop-In Centers in Indiana.
The Walgreens by Glendale Mall in Indianapolis (62nd and Keystone Ave.) offers a free breastfeeding support drop-in clinic EVERY WEDNESDAY from 10 am - noon. No appointment needed! Includes baby weight checks and consultations with a St. Vincent Lactation Consultant.
Indiana Code § 16-35-6 allows a woman to breastfeed her child anywhere she has a right to be.
Indiana Code § 5-10-6 allows for paid breaks for an employee to express her breast milk for her infant (for the state and political subdivisions of Indiana)
Indiana Code § 22-2-14-2 allows, to the extent reasonably possible, for employers with 25 employees or more to provide a location, other than a toilet stall, where an employee can express her breast milk in privacy during any period away from her assigned duties and to provide a refrigerator or other cold storage space for keeping milk that has been expressed; or allow the employee to provide her own portable cold storage device for keeping milk that has been expressed until the end of the work day.
The Fair Labor Standards Act of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires employers to provide reasonable paid break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the child’s birth each time the employee has a need to express the milk. For more detailed information regarding this law, please see the U.S. Department of Labor’s Fact Sheet.
United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) Guide to the Rights of Breastfeeding Employees in Indiana
Download and use this form to submit to your employer outlining your anticipated pumping schedule and location.
Talk to your Boss about your pump